The Adolescent Development of BPD Abstract A lot can be said about the formation of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) traits in an adolescent individual. …
How Borderline Personality Disorder Develops in Adolescents

The Path to a More Stable You
The Adolescent Development of BPD Abstract A lot can be said about the formation of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) traits in an adolescent individual. …
Decision Making and Social Influences Introduction Compliance and conformity could be two topics described as the grasp of a target individual’s ability to cognitively …
Prescription Stimulants and its Effects on Multiple Sclerosis Introduction Multiple sclerosis is a neurodegenerative disorder in which the immune system consumes the protective layering around …
Oxytocin and the Monogamous Male Mind Introduction The idea of sexual monogamy is rarely exhibited in male mammalian species, although it is commonly practiced amongst …
How Brain Stimulation Can Help Lessen Depression Introduction Depression has ranked the most disabling and common condition in adults living in North America under the …
Can Dopamine Affect Aggression The article “The Impact of Dopamine on Aggression: An [18F]-FDOPA PET Study in Healthy Males” was written in 2013 by a …
How Philosophical Assumptions Relate to Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) Ultimately, there are four philosophical assumptions related to research. The first is ontology, which is how …