General Terms and Conditions of Use
This website and service shall hereby be referred to as “Company” throughout this agreement. The following terms of service (and conditions of use) are provided by Sensitive Stability LLC, and thus govern your use of our website and services. Please review these terms before using this website or our services as they define the legalities of any transaction or use of services provided by said Company.
By using the Company’s website or subscribing to services, you are hereby agreeing to these terms and are bound to abide by them. Thus, if you do not agree to these terms of service, you must not use this website or our Company’s services.
Using this website or services dictates you are of legal age in your jurisdiction, and that you understand these terms are a binding contract. The only exception is if you have obtained valid permission from a parent or legal guardian.
You hereby warrant that you comprehend your local, state, and federal laws, and that you are in compliance with the laws.
Company Services
The Company offers access to our services in form of psychoeducational courses which are subject to these terms. You understand that our coaching services only offer a cooperative learning environment for two people to share experiences and knowledge. It is implied that by using our services you are in acceptance of all of our released policies. Our services are produced for educational purposes only and cannot be accepted as a substitute or alternative for medical, psychiatric, or therapeutic treatment.
Intellectual Property
You understand that the material posted to our website, forum, or through our classes is considered intellectual property, and you hereby understand that you may not repost this content for any reason, nor duplicate it. This includes text, images, video content, forum communication, and email communication. This property shall hereby be declared our property and is protected under international copyright, trademark, and intellectual property rights.
The only exception is that your device may temporarily download these contents for your viewing or accessing needs for the purpose of utilizing our services and website. You are also permitted to print or save information for your own educational purposes, including our website content; however, you are not permitted to modify this content for any means, nor delete any copyright information, branding, or trademark logos.
Additionally, you may not use the Sensitive Stability name or branding for any purpose without permission from the Company.
Access to Website & Services
You hereby agree that access to our website or services may not always be available, and that sometimes, the website or services may go down for maintenance or other reasons. This includes courses and recordings, the forum, or our website in general. You also understand that we may not have control over these elements in some instances. In the event of downtime, you hereby understand to indemnify the Company for any downtime, and you agree that you may not be notified if there is downtime.
You also agree that your username and credentials may be temporarily or permanently restricted under certain circumstances and that these circumstances are at the discretion of the Company. We will always do our best to notify you if there is any suspected, upcoming downtime, and that we will work hard to reinstate any erroneous failure to access our website or services as quickly as possible. You understand that we are not responsible for you maintaining a copy of your username or password. We will still do our best to help you unlock any account which is rightfully yours in a timely manner in the event it is reasonable to do so.
Disclaimer of Warranties
You hereby agree that using our website or services (or any content here within) comes at the expression of your own risk. The Company provides these services, content, and website, “as is” and it is provided “as available.” This offering comes with no warranties, expressed or implied. The Company and its facilitators make no warranty which represents the completeness, entirety, or efficacy of these services. This includes the services being reliable, quality, accurate, or secure. The Company and facilitators do not express warranty that the content or website will be free of errors or uninterrupted. Although we do our best to maintain a secure website and service, the Company does not imply warranty that a virus or harmful program cannot infiltrate the server or our services. The Company does not warrant that the content or services will meet your expectations. You understand that the testimonials provided are made by previous students and do not warrant any of our products or make any guarantees of any kind which are expressed or implied by the Company. You also understand that we have no control over third party reviews or testimonials.
You hereby agree that results may vary, and that there are no guarantees that your experience will result in your perceived, desired outcome. You understand that each individual may have a different experience. You understand that any examples, testimonials, or reviews, may not reflect your experience.
Changes to Terms of Service, Website, & Services
Company hereby reserves the right to change any of these terms at any time without notice to you. We also reserve the right to make changes to our website or services without notifying you. We do make routine changes to these elements to improve quality and make your visit more enjoyable. Revising any of the above-mentioned elements shall hereby declared “at our discretion.” Changes are typically immediate as they are updated, and thus, they are also effective immediately. You have the right to discontinue use of our website or services at any point in time, however, you hereby agree to the revisions which may be made in the future if you choose to continue to use our website or services.
User Conduct
During your use of our website and services, you may be able to access user-interactive content, such as our chat (during live classes), our contact form, and our Student Study Hall (forum). You hereby agree to conduct yourself in a manner that is respectful and abides by the following rules:
- Your communication and input must comply with your local, state, and federal laws.
- Your communication cannot include any unlawful content.
- Your communication cannot include links or material which contain offensive, harassing, or pornographic materials.
- Discrimination or hate speech of any kind will not be tolerated.
- You may not post content which infringes on intellectual rights or copyrights of our Company or any other company.
- You may not promote your own services or business (including things like books, coaching, or personal therapy services).
Violating any of the above rules will result in being removed from the program and/or website, without any refund.
Third Party Links & Suggestions
Occasionally, the Company or its facilitators may provide links or offerings to products or services which are considered third party for your convenience or furthered education. You hereby understand that we are not able to warrant these third parties, or control their conduct, and thus, you agree to visit these links or suggestions without holding the Company liable for any damages that may result from following these links or suggestions. These links and suggestions may be to other reading material, videos, services, books, or other products.
Non-Medical Disclaimers
The Company is not offering or selling medical services, mental health services, or health insurance. If you are experiencing an emergency, please contact emergency services, visit an emergency room, or if you or someone you know is suicidal, consider contacting a suicide hotline. There are many free suicide hotlines including the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. While we do not offer medical services, the Company still invites you to share any medical information with us, for the use of educational purposes and enhancing your experience with the Company. Additionally, you understand that our coaching services only offer a cooperative learning environment for two people to share experiences and knowledge.
About Our Services & General Disclaimer
You hereby agree that this is an environment of collaboration, offering online, psychoeducational services and user participation. The facilitator and students are joining to learn, share and practice skills. None of the facilitators are licensed therapists or offering therapy services. None of the facilitators are licensed mental health providers or offering mental health services. Our coaching services only offer a cooperative learning environment for two people to share experiences and knowledge. While some of the information provided in our courses or sessions offer medical information, it is not intended to substitute for medical advice. It is your responsibility to seek the health of a mental health professional or physician where needed (in regards to your physical or mental health). You should not delay seeking medical treatment when necessary. Our services are not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or ailment. Our services do not involve counseling interventions or psychotherapeutic techniques.
Confidentiality Agreement
We are not a HIPPA compliant-oriented entity, and thereby not required to abide by HIPAA practices. And although we attempt to keep your information confidential, you understand that your information may be exposed to facilitators and other students. Especially the information you offer the community.
Topics of Discussion
Sometimes, the topics of discussion in course material, in the forum, or on the website are not always respectful or constructive. It is your responsibility to understand your own limitations and to refrain from engaging in material which you find offensive or disruptive. You also hereby understand that some topics may be student supplied, and thus, out of our control. While we do not tolerate offensive, harassing, discriminating, violent, pornographic, or otherwise disturbing behavior and contributions, we sometimes cannot control what other people say or do. You also understand that this type of material is subjective between individuals, and that not everyone will agree with topics, opinions, or the stance of the Company.
Payment and Fees
You hereby understand that you are surrendering any tuition paid and that the Company does not offer refunds. If you terminate your subscription (enrollment) early, you will not be refunded for the remaining fees paid. You may still access content until the end of your subscription period. You understand that our prices may change at any time with no notice given to you. You understand that if we terminate your subscription early, a pro-rated refund is at our discretion.
Governing Law (Jurisdiction Statement)
You hereby understand that these terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the State of Virginia and that any action or proceeding relating to any claim or issue of law shall be handled in a federal or state court within Virginia. You herby submit to this exclusive jurisdiction.
Limitation of Liability
Our liability shall hereby be expressed in terms of this contractual Terms and Conditions, as well as the following agreement and in terms of the use of our website or services.
There is no event which shall deem Sensitive Stability or its facilitators liable for any damages, whether direct or indirect (including incidental, special, punitive, or consequential). The Company is not responsible or liable for any loss of profits or damages arising from your connected use of our website or services (or your inability to access or use our website or services). This includes liabilities which may arise from accessing any content on our website or from within our courses, recordings, or forum. If you are not satisfied with the content, you have the right to withdraw enrollment and discontinue future use of our site or services. The Company and facilitators cannot be liable for disclosing any of your information of any kind to its affiliates, third parties, or other individuals. Any claims or disputes must arise within (1) year of event occurrence or any claims will be dismissed.
You also hereby release Sensitive Stability and its facilitators from any potential disputes or claims of any kind. Again, the materials offered by the Company through the website or services are for informational and educational purposes only. They are not meant to treat, cure, or prevent any disease or ailment (including psychological or otherwise). These services are not meant to be considered professional services, legal services, medical services, therapeutic services, or psychotherapeutic services. You understand that our coaching services only offer a cooperative learning environment for two people to share experiences and knowledge. The Company and its facilitators are not offering psychological, therapeutic, or psychotherapeutic advice.
Sensitive Stability, the Company, and its facilitators are not responsible for your actions. Your use of the Company’s services or access of the Company’s content (including third party information as previously outlined in the above agreement) are governed by your own liabilities. You hereby agree that the Company and its facilitators are not responsible for your performance, success, or failure, in terms of aspects of your personal life, your business, your relationship, or your completion (or otherwise participation) with our services.
You hereby agree to hold the Company harmless, including its affiliates and facilitators, from any claims, liabilities, costs, or damages (including attorney fees) which arise as a result of your violating these Terms and Conditions, misconduct on our website, or displeasure with our services. This includes liabilities from content you post, as well as from content the Company posts (videos, blogs, forum material, text, or otherwise).
Inquiries or Concerns
We always invite you to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. You may reach us at:
Sensitive Stability
5007 C Victory Blvd 271
Yorktown, VA 23693
We also invite you to review our Full Privacy Policies, of which you agree to by using our website or services.
These Terms were last updated on 10/23/2023.