The Social Cognition of Mindshaping “Mindshaping is Inescapable, Social Injustice is not” was written by Victoria McGreer in 2019. It was published in the Australasian …
Social Injustice and Shaping Minds

The Path to a More Stable You
The Social Cognition of Mindshaping “Mindshaping is Inescapable, Social Injustice is not” was written by Victoria McGreer in 2019. It was published in the Australasian …
How Brain Stimulation Can Help Lessen Depression Introduction Depression has ranked the most disabling and common condition in adults living in North America under the …
Heuristics: Why Humans Rely on These Cognitive Shortuts Heuristics could be called one of the foundational cornerstones of inferred judgment and problem solving. In fact, …