How Oxytocin Affects BPD Introduction Attempting to understand how Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) manifests between various individuals could be considered a daunting task. This could …
coping with bpd
How Borderline Personality Disorder Develops in Adolescents
The Adolescent Development of BPD Abstract A lot can be said about the formation of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) traits in an adolescent individual. …
Four Philosophical Assumptions and Substance Use Disorders (SUDs)
How Philosophical Assumptions Relate to Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) Ultimately, there are four philosophical assumptions related to research. The first is ontology, which is how …
Storm and Stress
How Stress Affects Adolescent’s Biological Growth Most, if not all people experience a time of turmoil and difficulty during the adolescent stage of life. This …
Cognition of the Mind and Body
How Cognition is Displayed in Both Mind and Body Embodied cognition could be described as a theory of “thought connectivity.” Essentially, this theory means accepting …
Introduction to Social Cognition
How Social Cognition Makes Sense of Other People Social cognition is the study of how people make general sense of other people, as well as …
Borderline Personality Disorder and Marital Conflict
How Does Borderline Personality Disorder Contribute to Marital Conflict? The text is careful to outline the importance of the evaluation period in all types of …
Substance Use Disorders: Alcohol and Drugs
How Alcohol and Drugs Contribute to Substance Use Disorders Motivation level for change is an important variable when it comes to seeing an effective treatment …
How Sleep and Eating Disorders Affect Us
Do Sleep and Eating Disorders Affect Mental Conditions? Sleep and eating are two of the most basic human necessities. Without these two necessities met, the …
How Do Mood Disorders Contribute to Depression
Do Mood Orders Contribute to Depression? One of the best notions Dr. Wenzel put forth in both therapy sessions is the forward thinking to outline …