Comprehensive BPD Self-Assessment Test

By Sensitive Stability


Comprehensive BPD Self-Assessment

This Comprehensive BPD Self-Assessment is not a substitute for a diagnosis; however, it can point you in the right direction in terms of what would be required to correct BPD behavior as it has manifested for you.

1 / 53

How often do you feel detached from an event or memory?

2 / 53

How often do you feel as though you are living a life you have no control over?

3 / 53

How often do you feel the world around you is fake, or that you are the only "real person"?

4 / 53

How often do you feel you overreact with extreme anger or rage?

5 / 53

How often do you feel people shy away from sharing their opinion with you out of fear of your reaction?

6 / 53

How often do you break or destroy property (e.g. smashing objects, breaking cellphones, punching holes in the wall, breaking glass, etc.)?

7 / 53

How often do you feel empty inside?

8 / 53

How often do you feel apathetic (showing or feeling no interest) or lack enthusiasm?

9 / 53

How often do you feel nihilistic (feeling life is meaningless)?

10 / 53

How often does your mood change?

11 / 53

How often do you feel other people have an impact on how you feel?

12 / 53

How often do you feel your reactions may be irrational or extreme?

13 / 53

How often do you think about suicide?

14 / 53

How often do you plan or threaten suicide?

15 / 53

How often do you engage in self-mutilation or self-harm (e.g., cutting, burning, head banging, skin picking, hair pulling, etc.)?

16 / 53

How often do you display behaviors which qualify as eating disorders (e.g., avoiding eating, binge eating, purposely throwing up after eating, etc.)?

17 / 53

How often do you feel "lost" or "without a purpose" in life?

18 / 53

How often do you feel poorly about yourself, hate yourself, or experience negative self-talk?

19 / 53

How often do you engage in reckless behavior (e.g., dangerous thrill-seeking, reckless driving, unsafe/unprotected intimacy)?

20 / 53

How often do you engage in reckless spending (e.g. gambling, spending sprees, etc.)?

21 / 53

How often do you impulsively quit your job or other commitment (e.g. school, projects, organizations, sports teams, clubs, etc.)?

22 / 53

How often do you impulsively block people (e.g. social media, phone numbers, etc.)?

23 / 53

How often do you feel you and your partner fight or argue with one another (consider your last relationship if currently single)?

24 / 53

How often do you feel angry at your romantic partner (consider your last relationship if currently single)?

25 / 53

How often do you feel your romantic partner does not love you and/or care about you (consider your last relationship if currently single)?

26 / 53

How often do you worry that your romantic partner will leave you (consider your last relationship if currently single)?

27 / 53

How often do you worry about being alone?

28 / 53

How often do you worry your partner will "find someone better" or replace you (consider your last relationship if currently single)?

29 / 53

How often do you build resentment towards someone for "how much you have done for them"?

30 / 53

How often do you place other people's needs and desires ahead of your own?

31 / 53

How often do you feel jealousy?

32 / 53

How often do you use substances (alcohol, illicit drugs, prescription drugs, legal drugs) to numb, cope, or escape reality?

33 / 53

How often do you cut people out of your life?

34 / 53

How often do you "go from thinking someone or something is really great to thinking the exact opposite"?

35 / 53

How often do other people say they are scared to be around you?

36 / 53

How often do you experience temper tantrums or screaming fits?

37 / 53

How often do you feel "not good enough"?

38 / 53

How often does feeling "wronged" or although something was "unfair" bother you?

39 / 53

How often does feeling disrespected bother you?

40 / 53

How often do you worry about the future?

41 / 53

How often do you find yourself ruminating and feeling upset about the past?

42 / 53

How often do you feel "hopeless"?

43 / 53

How often does feeling overwhelmed bother you?

44 / 53

How often do you feel rejected?

45 / 53

How often do you feel misunderstood or frustrated?

46 / 53

How often do you feel you get upset or angry when things do not go your way?

47 / 53

How often does "feeling compared to others" bother you?

48 / 53

How often does feeling challenged or threatened bother you?

49 / 53

How often does feeling criticized bother you?

50 / 53

How often does feeling judged bother you?

51 / 53

How often do you feel unimportant?

52 / 53

How often do you feel ignored?

53 / 53

How often do you feel unheard?

Your score is

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